This is Brune, a good-natured chocolate lab. She is an extremely sweet and laid-back dog.... She is so lovable and I don't think there is a mean bone in her body.
This is Jay-Z. He seems to have an unlimited supply of energy; he's always running off somewhere to sniff at something. When we go on walks, you will always hear a constant cry of "C'mere Jay-Z!" Something will catch his eye and he will take off like a rocket to go check it out--and it's usually in the opposite direction.
I really don't know how Cat and I got Jay-Z to stand still long enough to take this picture!
The light of the setting sun cast such a pretty glow upon the church and monastery.
Aww, how cute. How did Jay-z get his name?
I see that your comments that you prefer cats over dogs. Your cats, Lucky & Princess really misses you so much and can't wait until you come home. They are doing well with their routines.