On our first full day in the city, we visited the Eiffel Tower. Seeing such an iconic symbol of Paris with my very own eyes finally cemented in me the fact that I am in France. Ambialet, Albi, and Toulouse were unknown to me before I came to Europe, but Paris certainly was not. And to stand before the very definition of Paris, the monument that first comes to mind when one thinks of Paris, was, in a word, stunning.
The structure itself is absolutely exquisite. It truly exudes elegance, thanks in part to the ornamental lace-like iron detailing.
Stopping at the base of the tower and looking up, I was struck by its magnificence, how it seemed to stretch endlessly into the beautiful blue sky we were graced with that day. We might have been by the river, fighting off bitter, cutting winds, but you would never know it looking at these pictures. Even the little patches of clouds didn't detract from the beauty of the day; rather, they added to it, as the sunlight filtered through, supplying the sky with a gorgeous iridescent glow.
Later in the week, we went to see the Eiffel Tower at night.
The dark of night provided the perfect backdrop for the yellow-amber lights. Even in the darkness, you could still eye the impressive latticework. The sharp contrast between sky and structure truly accentuated the amazing architecture at hand.
Every hour on the hour, there is a dazzling display of lights that enfolds the tower in an enchanting aura. The entire tower is illuminated and simply sparkles. It was an impressive show--a pleasant way to cap off one of our last nights in Paris.
How pretty! I like this entry...I want to hear the stories behind your other pics!