This morning we woke up to a nice surprise: snow!
I was brushing my teeth when I looked toward the window and noticed that something was different... The edges were all fogged up because of the cold and when I went to get a closer look, I saw the snowflakes flying. For a second, I thought maybe they would forgo taking us into Albi, but then I figured we probably weren't going to be lucky enough for a snow day. As I continued to get ready for class, I heard that the bus was running late, so I was happy that we would get a little delay courtesy of mother nature.
As it turned out, when the bus driver got here, he and Tim had a little discussion and they were worried about the return trip. If it kept snowing and/or froze over, it would get a little treacherous since the road to Ambialet is literally carved along the side of a mountain. There are sharp curves and no guardrails in some places. So we did get a snow day!! We still had French class though, with Tim standing in for Sandra. He went over what he called "survival" French. We learned some key verbs and got little nuggets of wisdom from Tim: if all else fails, try to Frenchify everything and stress the last syllable of every word.
After that, we were free to admire the beauty of the winter wonderland in Ambialet.
It was beautiful, but short-lived. Most of the snow melted by the afternoon. It was nice to get a little taste of what they're having a lot of back home: it's snowed like 24 out of the last 30 days in Pittsburgh! Crazy stuff.
It snowed here a bit on Superbowl Sunday, but just like in France...It didn't last very long!